We tried two different marriage counselors over two very long years, but nothing seemed to work.
We had to either suck-it-up and be miserable for the rest of our lives or we could set each other free.
Free from not being enough for my husband. Free from feeling like a failure…
Luckily for us, I knew how to lead us through a fair divorce process that the lawyers couldn’t muck up.
I do it for my clients every day.
I could take us through a compassionate process where both our financial, parental, and emotional needs were addressed.
And that is exactly what I did.
It was hard and it was emotionally taxing, but…
It was so much easier than those who lawyer-up, break the 401k to pay for the divorce, and use their kids as weapons.
Those on the scary path of divorce must choose their path… either a litigated divorce or a mediated divorce.
We wanted more for ourselves and our kids than the traditional divorce litigation model offered.
I was lucky that my husband and I agreed that we wanted a fair resolution and we wanted to do what was best for our kids.
We got off the rollercoaster of chaos and…
We chose fairness over pettiness. We chose OUR decision-making abilities over bill-by-the-hour attorneys. We chose happiness over resentment.
That single choice of mediating our divorce and not litigating our divorce made all the difference in the world.
We now live a life where my children feel loved and secure and we are both financially independent. We even laugh with each other about our crazy kids… at least once a week.