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Oregon Spousal Support Calculators

Oregon Spousal Support

Looking for an Oregon spousal support calculator? Although spousal support in Oregon is NOT a calculation, and instead, a negotiation, clients usually ask, “what is typical for my situation?”

I developed two spousal support calculators to tell you both the likely back-of-the-envelope spousal support award and what is left in your wallet after taxes and spousal support!

Click here to read more a more in-depth explanation of Oregon spousal support.

Oregon law states that an award of spousal support may be awarded for a period of time that is just and equitable. ORS
107.105(1)(d). Super helpful, huh?

Oregon Spousal Support Calculators

Gross monthly income means your monthly income before any taxes, fees, health insurance, retirement, etc. are removed.
Gross monthly income means your monthly income before any taxes, fees, health insurance, retirement, etc. are removed.

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Oregon Spousal Support Result

What is Left in our Wallets Result*

Both calculators are estimates and your specific situation may include components that cannot be considered by one or both calculations. For taxes, I presume: (1) standard deductions, (2) you are under 65-years-old, (3) you are not a dependent on someone else’s taxes, and (4) you are not a qualified widow.

How did we get here

Step 1

Prior to 2019, spousal support was taxable. On January 1, 2019, spousal support became a non-taxable event. Until the tax law change in 2019, I owned a second company that data-mined every reliable spousal support award in Oregon.

Step 2

If you reverse engineer the pre-2019 spousal support awards, it is clear that a back-of-the-envelope formula was used more often than not.

Step 3

If you apply basic math principals to the pre-2019 back-of-the-envelope formula and adjusting it for the new non-taxable nature of spousal support, then you get the following algorithm: 22% of the difference of the parties’ gross monthly incomes is the monthly spousal support award for half the duration of the marriage.

DISCLAIMER: I am not your attorney. This is not legal advice. Spousal support is not a calculation. The information on this page is limited to Oregon. Talk to an attorney about your specific situation.

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