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Mediation Northwest

Divorce Mediation

Divorce is intimidating and overwhelming.
I understand.

My clients don’t want a divorce. They come to me because they NEED a divorce.

The difference is subtle, but important.

My clients have tried EVERYTHING to save their marriage.

They don’t hate each other… marriage just isn’t in the cards for them anymore.

They tell me they feel like a failure because their marriage is over.

The truth is that there is no shame in trying to make it work (and still recognizing it isn’t working anymore).

I was married for 23 years. My divorce changed me. I better understand my clients’ experience because I have lived through it. Initially, I felt like a failure and feared my unknown future.

Your fears are real. I have felt them, too.

Where will you live? Can you afford your life without your spouse? What about the kids? What will happen to your retirement and investments?

I know it feels insurmountable now – but you don’t have to walk through it alone: I can help you find solutions to the very real challenges ahead of you.

I will guide you through your divorce by telling you the path we need to take, pointing-out the pitfalls we will want to avoid, and getting you to the light on the other side. 

I don’t just have 20+ years of experience guiding people through this process: I’ve gone through it myself. And I can help you do the same – with fidelity and grace.

Divorce mediation balances each party’s needs so that neither party feels screwed. 

But… divorce mediation isn’t for everyone. If you are out for blood and intend to burn everything to the ground, do me a favor and don’t call me.

If fairness over pettiness sounds like you, then give me a call. 

I have intentionally designed my unique divorce mediation process to help couples reach fair conclusions.

My clients range from multi-millionaires to folks who live paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t matter what you have or how much you make. It matters HOW you want to get through your divorce.

If you want a divorce mediator who can properly handle your finances, tend to your emotions, return your calls and emails, and doesn’t let your case get stale, then give me a call.

I have yet to meet someone who litigated their divorce who doesn’t feel screwed by the process.

You’ve heard the horror stories of attorneys billing outrageous hourly fees and pitting one side against the other. The whole experience is so overwhelming. 

You have a choice. 

You can choose a process that ruins your relationships while lining both attorneys’ pockets with money from your 401K. 


You can choose a flat fee divorce mediation that protects your family and your finances.

With a flat fee, you know exactly what you are paying for up front. It’s the right amount of help at the right price.

My motto is, “Divorce without drama,” because while divorce is painful  – it doesn’t have to get ugly.

And you don’t have to take it from me…

One of my favorite things a former client said about working with me: “We chose you because we want a peaceful relationship for the future of our family.”

Not knowing the difference between a divorce attorney-mediator and a non-attorney mediator will cost you.

Click here to learn more.

Is your mediator qualified? Discover the critical differences between attorney-mediators and non-attorney mediators.

Find out now!

Don't risk your future—learn why an attorney-mediator is the smarter choice than a non-attorney mediator for your divorce.

Explore the facts here!

Ensure a fair process: Discover the unique advantages of working with an attorney-mediator.

Click to learn more!

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Benefits associated with the mediation

Save Time

Court divorces usually take between 9-18 months. Mediation usually takes between 1-3 months.

Save Money

Court proceedings are 3-5 times higher in cost than mediation. Although most attorneys and mediators charge by the hour, parties who use mediation only pay for one professional (the mediator) and not two dueling attorneys who duplicate work and prepare for every possibility that the other side may put forth.

Reduce Drama

Mediation cuts through the nonsense. In mediation, the parties talk about the problem and the solutions to the problem. No posturing for the other side (which attorneys love to do… and get paid for it). If a party gets off-track, the mediator guides them back to the agenda. If a party has an unrealistic solution that doesn’t take into account both parties, the mediator will reality-check them.

Get Control

When parties submit their divorce to the court to decide, the parties lose control over their future. Mediation requires that both parties agree on the solutions, which means you control your custody arrangements and your support obligations.

Create an opportunity to repair relationships

Although you are getting a divorce, you still need a functional relationship with the other party. Because mediation requires you to work together to determine the terms of your divorce, you learn different ways to interact and communicate. You also create future expectations for how the party will interact with you.

Your meeting options

In Person Mediations

(Available in our all-inclusive package #5 at our office in Eugene OR)

Virtual Mediations

(Both parties participate via a secure Zoom video conference or by telephone)

Contact Mediation Northwest to discuss your divorce options

If you are considering mediation, our boutique divorce mediation firm can help you assess whether mediation is the right choice for your situation. Mediation has a very high success rate and can be an excellent option for most couples.

No one looks forward to a messy, drawn out divorce. That’s why Mediation Northwest wants you to know that there are other easier and less expensive alternatives to a full-blown trial. We have no desire to drag our clients through a long and unnecessary court proceeding.

Our promise to you: total transparency about your options, and guidance toward the best path for your specific situation.

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